Over the years of helping people with hypnosis, we have had great results with people who have social anxiety or anxiety related habits.

If you struggle with circular thought patterns that are hard to control, or you feel you could be more successful moving toward your goals with a better mindset, hypnosis can be a helpful tool. We have been helping people for years with these thoughts and the habits that are built around them.


I went to Northern Kentucky Hypnosis a few weeks ago, for just one session.

I’ll cut to the chase at the beginning, for those who don’t feel like reading a long review. I highly, highly recommend this process for anyone with any issues in which they feel “stuck”!!!

I found both Katherine and her office environment to be extremely professional, serene, and lovely. I have a chronic illness which is exacerbated by stress, so I had a vague hope that she could “trick” my mind into not letting my body react so strongly to certain stressors. Self-hypnosis videos had been recommended to me by a mental health professional, but I never really found any that I liked—they were annoying &/or non-specific. I was surprised by several things during my session with Katherine. I was pleased with how quickly and thoroughly I relaxed as I listened to her gentle instructions. The next surprise was not as pleasant. She had me recall something that caused me stress, asked me to hold onto the feeling that it created, and then intensify that feeling. Even though my face felt like jello, I must have flinched, because she reassured me that I didn’t need to be afraid. The process after that was all about learning to trust that I am in control of my emotions, and that I am capable of calming myself---not just my mind, but also my body’s reactions to stress. When we were done, I honestly just didn’t want to leave.

Having invested in self-care in the form of everything from counseling to massages, I have never left any other therapy session with such a feeling of time well spent. I was drained and exhausted, but calm and hopeful. It was several days before I even had a strong enough reaction to stress to need to try out the techniques she gave me, and when I did, I wasn’t sure I would remember the instructions well enough for the techniques to work. But they did work, well enough that before I even finished, I realized that I had calmed down and my mind had wandered on to something else random and interesting, as opposed to circling around and around and replaying the stressful trigger. I can’t say enough positive things about this experience, and I can’t wait to go back!


I wasn’t sure what to expect from hypnosis but it ended up being very helpful for me. When I met with Katherine, she explained the way that stress and traumatic memories are stored in our physical bodies and how hypnosis can help release them. The whole process was very relaxing and I was also given a video that I could watch afterward. I really can’t overstate how helpful the sessions have been. I would definitely recommend trying hypnosis here to anyone who is considering it.